Environmental profile analysis of particleboard production:a study in a Pakistani technological condition

Majid Hussain1,2 & Riffat Naseem Malik2 & Adam Taylor3


Purpose Particleboard is a composite panel comprising small
pieces of wood bonded by adhesives. The particleboard industry is growing in Pakistan, but there is little information on the
environmental impacts associated with this product.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a life cycle
assessment of particleboard manufactured in Pakistan and to
provide suggestions to improve its environmental profile. The
study covers energy use and associated environmental impacts
of raw materials and processes during particleboard manufacture in the year 2015–2016.
Methods The study uses a cradle-to-gate (distribution center)
life cycle assessment approach. The reference unit for this
study was 1.0 m3 of finished, uncoated particleboard.
Primary data from the particleboard mill surveys were combined with secondary database information and modeled
using CML 2000 v.2.05 methodology and a cumulative
exergy demand indicator present in the SimaPro v.8.3

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